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Video: Pelle Søeborg’s HO scale free-mo module

By Angela Cotey | February 19, 2019

| Last updated on November 19, 2020

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Model Railroader contributing editor Pelle Søeborg has been busy lately building a new module that follows European FREMO US standards. See Pelle’s progress on the module, including some finished and in process modeling projects.

25 thoughts on “Video: Pelle Søeborg’s HO scale free-mo module

  1. Will there be a article on the roofing systems building. I think it’s perfect for my layout. Awesome start!

  2. Outstanding modeling with great detailing! With your power lines, when adding service to any building that uses 120/240 volt service, you should paint one of the conductors at the service entrance white to represent the neutral conductor. If you model a 3 phase service, you would need to add red and blue conductors along with the white one at the building service entrance. I love that you got the correct sag in the power cable between the poles! The transformer cabling from the high voltage to the lower supply voltage is well done! Great work!

  3. I have always admired your work, Pelle. It’s good to see you back in action! 🙂 Looking forward to your future contributions.

  4. Excellent work, Pelle. What material did you use for the power lines? I don’t think thread would keep the shape unless you measured the distance between poles and coated the thread with some sort of thickener first.

  5. Most impressed with the treatment of the building foundations, making them look solidly built into the earth, not set on it.

  6. Amazing work, wish I was half that good. What caught my eye was the curb and gutter detail- amazing with the slope for the drive way- hope that is a future article!

  7. Great looking modules Pelle, I really like the telephone poles. The detail is excellent as always, of course your railroad car weathering is perfect. I’m looking forward to seeing more of these modules.

  8. What can I say but “WOW!”. Your modeling captures things that I see every day but never really consider adding. I admire your eye for observing details and capturing the “spirit” of a scene.

  9. The road looks excellent. Is it done with photos? Also, why is the structure that is being built covered in plastic?

  10. Wow. I am a lineman for a major utility in the US and can tell, without a doubt, you have done your homework to accurately model that distribution power line. Very impressive modeling as always.

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