News & Reviews New York ends transportation mask requirement

New York ends transportation mask requirement

By Trains Staff | September 8, 2022

| Last updated on February 19, 2024

Governor’s move ends mandate after 28 months

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Yellow and black MTA sign notifying passengers masks are optional
An example of new Metropolitan Transportation Authority signage reflecting the end of the state’s mask mandate on public transportation. (MTA)

NEW YORK — New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has lifted the state’s mask requirement in a number of locations where masks were previously required, including public transportation, where it was one of the few such requirements remaining in the country.

Hochul announced the change in a Wednesday update on COVID-19 cases in the state. Masks will still be required in a handful of locations, including adult care and health-care facilities regulated by the state.

New York had required masks for 28 months, retaining the rule for four months after a U.S. district judge in Florida struck down a national mask requirement in April [see “Federal judge strikes down transportation mask mandate,” Trains News Wire, April 19, 2022].

The news site reports Hochul told a briefing in East Harlem, “We have to restore some normalcy to our lives. Masks are encouraged but optional.”

A union representing Metro-North Railroad employees had called for an end to the mask rule in July, citing confrontations between crew members and passengers over the requirement. Edward Valente, general chairman of the Association of Commuter Rail employees, said Metro-North conductors had been assaulted by passengers who became combative when asked to wear a mask [see “Metro-North union asks for end to transit mask mandate …,” News Wire, July 29, 2022].

7 thoughts on “New York ends transportation mask requirement

  1. In Ontario most of the non-medical mask mandates have been gone for a while, obviously those who prefer to use them still do, and there are quite few.

    Sadly and stupidly the Canadian federal mask mandate for air and rail is still in place. But now, I can drive to Buffalo and fly anywhere I want from there, with no mask. Convenietly this also bypasses the ongoing and disgraceful chaos at Toronto Pearson airport, where things have not been going well for several months.

  2. Yes, the ‘Mask Mandate’ in New York should have ended a long time ago, but bureaucratic stupidity and incompetence seems to know no limits. The “lockdowns” didn’t work and didn’t “stop the spread” and did enormous damage to their cities and economy.

    Sadly, the health authorities have done major damage to their credibility during the pandemic and their unwillingness to acknowledge their failings and mistakes have greatly eroded the public’s confidence in the “experts.” The complete lack of self-awareness and humility among the high-level health authorities and elected officials is inexcusable and appalling.

    This will be a major issue when the next pandemic hits (and it will some day).

    But, we cannot question “The Science” ……

    1. There is ample evidence that masks work particularly if worn well and are certified. The idea that masks don’t work that is touted by opponents is based on studies that simple cloth masks and other uncertified types of masks are ineffectual. When New York was hit hard at the very beginning the pandemic saved lives by going into lockdown and mask mandates. Florida that summer went the opposite way ended up with a death rate more than twice as high. In New York that summer had one of the lowest infection and death rates. The mask mandate may have overstayed it’s time for maximum effectiveness but to denigrate mask wearing as ineffective is a urban fallacy.

    2. Even with proper equipment, training, supervison, etc. hospitals are constantly struggling with infection control, and not just Covid – Legionaires disease, staph, etc.

      So while masks “work” when properly chosen, used and disposed of, most of what I have seen for the past two years has been otherwise – crappy cloth masks, masks on the chin instead of the nose, masks removed and placed on tables where food is being served, masks littering the streets, etc. etc. etc.

      It was mostly about control, compliance, kabuki theatre and being seen to “do something” and being “kind to others”.

      Masks were one of many aspects of failure and mismanagement in almost all aspects of the pandemic. And now that many people see this the costs are also being seen – economic, education, social, etc.

    3. Mr. Peterson any perception that face coverings render viable virus virions unviable is purely a mistake on your part.

  3. The proper time to have ended the mask mandate was before it began.

    Zero evidence that masks have been of any help whatsoever in this pandemic.

    My life has returned to normal. In crowds at airports, on board the aircraft, at church, shopping, playing chess over the board, without masks.

    While I don’t condone violence or disruption, anyone who peacefully and with proper respect protests the mask mandate has my vote.

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