Trains offers something for everyone who has a spark for railroading: Railroad news, insight, and commentary on today’s freight railroads, passenger service, transit, locomotives, technology, preservation, fan opportunities, and more. You’ll also see images and read stories from railroading’s glorious past, and explore the bright future of railroading. It’s all in the pages of Trains magazine.
Trains Express January 2010 downloadable package
Penn Station: How Do They Do It?
Bob Johnston
Bonus Content: Take a look at time-sequenced photos of Penn Station action and video screens at Central Control.
Cascade Tunnel: An Engineering Mistake
T. Michael Power
Bonus Content: Check out a Great Northern promo graphic for its new Cascade Tunnel.
The African Phoenix
Paul Ash
Bonus Content: Author and photographer Paul Ash shares more photos of the two African railroads that the Railroad Development Corp. helped to improve.
WEB EXCLUSIVE: This is a Mickey Mouse Railroad!
Pan Am’s Second Takeoff
Fred W. Frailey
Bonus Content: Here’s Pan Am’s locomotive roster as of September 2009.
Trains: A Rolling Playground?
Map of the Month: U.S. ton-miles, 1978-2008
Railroad Reading: The US Finally Wins the War of 1812
J.W. Swanberg
Bonus Content: J.W. Swanberg’s international adventure continues with more Spanish rail photos.
News & Photos
Bonus Content: See three Amtrak studies of restored train services and the Federal Railroad Administration’s National Rail Plan.
Don Phillips
Fred W. Frailey
Bonus Content: See a complete list of Amtrak station improvements, and ridership and revenue comparison of all Amtrak routes.
City Rail
Bonus Content: See a map of Phoenix Valley Metro’s light rail line.
From the Editor
Welcome to Trains magazine’s 70th year
Showing digital photography on you big screen TV
Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic RS1 No. 101 restored by Soo Line Historical & Technical Society
Ask Trains
Remote control locomotives • Gage tolerances