Ex-Pittsburgh & Lake Erie 0-8-0 No. 94 faces the cab of new Montreal Locomotive Works RS23 diesel No. 201 at Sydney & Louisburg’s Glace Bay, N.S., engine terminal on the night of Sept. 16, 1960.
Jim Shaughnessy photo
Jim Shaughnessy photo

Ex-Detroit & Toledo Shore Line Mikados 104 and 105 rest in an engine shed at Sydney & Louisburg’s Glace Bay, N.S., engine terminal, September 1960.
Jim Shaughnessy photo

S&L railroaders chat beside an ex-P&LE 0-8-0 and behind Mikado 71 at Glace Bay.
Jim Shaughnessy photo
Jim Shaughnessy photo

Ex-Michigan Central 2-8-2 No. 106 looks out of S&L’s Glace Bay roundhouse on Sept. 16, 1960.
Jim Shaughnessy photo
Jim Shaughnessy photo

Ex-Chicago & Illinois Midland 0-8-0 No. 87 and RS23 No. 202 are silhouetted at S&L’s New Aberdeen Yard.
Jim Shaughnessy photo
Jim Shaughnessy photo

Ex-Detroit & Toledo Shore Line Mikados 104 and 105 rest in an engine shed while new Montreal Locomotive Works RS23 201 idles outside at Sydney & Louisburg’s Glace Bay, N.S., engine terminal in September 1960.
Jim Shaughnessy photo
Jim Shaughnessy photo

A local lad on a bike watches S&L No. 88, a former P&LE 0-8-0, near the New Aberdeen yard.
Jim Shaughnessy photo
Jim Shaughnessy photo

S&L No. 87, an ex-C&IM engine at New Aberdeen, has an unusally large tender for an 0-8-0.
Jim Shaughnessy photo
Jim Shaughnessy photo

The S&L Glace Bay engine terminal is alive with steam-era activity late in the afternoon of Sept. 16, 1960. Note the three-way stub switch in the foreground.
Jim Shaughnessy photo
Jim Shaughnessy photo

S&L No. 88, one of the road’s several ex-P&LE 0-8-0s, has nosed onto a string of coal hoppers near New Aberdeen in September 1960.
Jim Shaughnessy photo
Jim Shaughnessy photo