How To Large Scale Layouts California narrow gauge in the 1940s

California narrow gauge in the 1940s

By Don Watters | February 14, 2018

| Last updated on January 20, 2021

The Lake Tahoe & Truckee Railroad

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The Lake Tahoe & Truckee Railroad

The railway at a glance

Name: Lake Tahoe & Truckee
Size: 120′ x 15′
Scale: 1:22.5
Gauge: Nº 1 (45mm)
Era: 1940s
Theme: Sierra Nevada narrow gauge
Age: 21 years
Motive power: LGB Moguls, cab-forward articulated, Forney
Length of mainline: 300+ feet
Maximum gradient: 2.5%
Type of track: LGB flex and Sunset Valley switches
Minimum radius: 5′
Structures: Railroad Avenue, Verducci resin, Pola plastic
Control system: AirWire

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