Behind The Scenes Ask Trains Can you help find a specific X-Acto cutting mat?

Can you help find a specific X-Acto cutting mat?

By Cody Grivno | January 18, 2023

| Last updated on April 19, 2023

Searching for a mat with 1/8" or 1/10" cutting squares

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Can you help find a specific X-Acto cutting mat?: Cody helps a viewer find a specific X-Acto cutting mat with 1/8″ or 1/10″ cutting squares as seen in a Model Railroader story story from January 2023.

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Ask Trains is a regular video feature of for magazine subscribers and members, where editors answer the questions readers and viewers are asking.

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Questions can be about any railroad or model railroading topic, including on the fan configuration on an SD45. These can include questions about railroad operating practices, railroad lantern manufacturer details, model locomotive details, and toy train transformers, among others. and Model Railroader Senior Editor Cody Grivno works through many of these questions, which are posted twice a week, each week, all year! See all our answers to questions online!

One thought on “Can you help find a specific X-Acto cutting mat?

  1. Fiskar also makes a cutting mat that has has marks every 1/8″ inches around the perimeter, along with printed dots throughout the mat that are spaced at 1/4″ intervals. Michael’s sells these. They are also gray in color.

    As a warning though, the Fiskar mats will permanently warp when exposed to heat. I had one and it warped significantly from a coffee cup warmer that I had sitting on the mat. I prefer other mats, but if the measurement marks are what you are looking for, the Fiskar mat is another option.

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