railking-wheeling-lake-erie-sd45https://www.trains.com/vid/toytrains/tours-visits/railking-wheeling-lake-erie-sd45/RailKing Wheeling & Lake Erie SD45 | Classic Toy Trains MagazineHauling a coal trainhttps://www.trains.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CTT_member_video_railking_sd45.jpgInStockUSD1.001.00tours-visitstoytrainsvideoVID2022-11-072014-08-11132195
Name: Adam Matthews Railroad Name: Lake Laurel & Hardyville Location: Ohio Scale: O Theme: Freelanced hi-rail Description: This is my new Wheeling & Lake Erie SD45 with a coal train. I collect motive power from Ohio railroads of every era and the layout was designed to reflect any era. So by simply changing the motive power and rolling stock I can change the look completely!