A yard office you can model

Color photo of yard office building near manufacturing plant.

Little did I think when I visited Milbank, S.D., for the first time in 2019 I would find a yard office you can model. But there, on the corner of North Main Street and East Railway Avenue, was a BNSF Ry. structure that looked ideal for a model railroad. It had a small footprint; could […]

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An N scale layout in a coffee table

A pencil sketch of an N scale model train layout in a coffee table

Over the years, I remember reading articles in Model Railroader about model train layouts built into furniture, like cabinets, dining tables, and coffee tables. I always thought this was a great idea, allowing modelers to bring their hobby out of the cold, lonely basement and into the welcoming atmosphere of the family room. It was an especially intriguing […]

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